

The story of Simon Parkes

The story of Simon Parkes, : The story of Simon Parkes

In all of my research into ufology, nothing intrigues me more than the story told by Simon Parkes. His story is the most well rounded and corroborated story in the field. Here is a synopsis of his story. First, his grandfather was a high degree mason and worked as a spy for mi6. His grandfather was also part of the branch of Illuminati that deals with "black magic" as he describes. His mother was a member of mi5 and chose to raise Simon away from the Illuminati. When Simon was an infant, he claims he was contacted by a mantis(mantid) creature. As he grew older, his contacts with the creature continued through his childhood. He was also contacted by various et/supernatural creatures. Jinn, shadow beings, reptilians and gray aliens are among the entities who seemed to have tested him for pre cognitive/psychic abilities during his contacts. He was never "abducted against his will" and was told the essence of his soul is 1/3 mantis 1/3 reptilian and 1/3 human. He provides drawings of the inside of ships that show many species of ETs working together and describes the ships as being controlled by thought. Simon describes the "annunaki" as false gods, who set up the tablets in sumeria in order for us to think that they were are creators in the hopes that we would eventually destroy ourselves and they would step in as false gods. Simon also claims that negative entities tried to use CERN on december 21st, 2012 to "call in reinforcements" in the form of a portal, but the process was thwarted and the collider was never operational. He also claims Japan is the negative entities last hope to build an accelerator to produce this portal and many of the entities are deciding whether to give up control of the planet and jump ship or to make a last stand. The cutoff date for them to do this is 2016. This is because of our planet moving through the center of the galactic plane. Many mayan elders said the same thing around 2012 and many ufologists echo Mr. Parke's claims about these entities and their motives. Simon is also an elected politician in England, which adds a bit of creedence to his claims. I will provide some links to his interviews below. Any thoughts/info/opinions relevant to this man and his story would be greatly appeciated. ※「国際リニアリコライダー(ILC)」とは、宇宙誕生の瞬間を再現する次世代の巨大加速器

地球人類は略奪者(エイリアン)=堕天使に狙われている? http://blog.livedoor.jp/wisdomkeeper/archives/51967233.html